May 12, 2021

Road to Threesome Feedback Requested

Recently I've decided to push myself with the Road to Threesome comic by trying to actually complete some of these pages that's had its art laid out for some time. I've done the cover but it might need a few tweaks here and there, but I didn't want to upload anything yet without a couple of pages knocked out first.

Half of the first page is pretty much done, but one thing I'm concerned about is how much text is in each panel, and since I can only upload images up to 2040x2040, if that affects how readable it is, since some panels are really text-heavy, particularly the first couple of pages that focus on Kim's thoughts on her relationship with Ron, getting curious about having a threesome, and if it would spark things up or destroy their relationship.

As most of you saw with the New Year's post (can't believe we're in May already), the original plan was to do six panels per page. Out of curiosity, I tried to make a large image out of a single panel, and now I'm wondering which way is better: Six panels per page, a large image of a single panel, or both to allow more viewing options. If I do both, I'm also more likely to upload the larger single panel images after a full page is done, so if say, I find that panel 4 needs a correction when working on panel 6, it's not already uploaded.

So here's what I originally had in mind for how it would look. I ask not to upload this on any sites given how incomplete it is. This is more of a test if the text is fine or not. If I make it bigger, it'll interfere with everything else.

And points can go out to anyone who can identify whoever the stripper is cosplaying as in the third panel. I felt like I needed something interesting going on in the background and figured what the hell, let's put my first ever waifu there. It was tempting to put someone like Vivian or Heather at first, but I only got things right after putting our cosplayer stripper in already. No backsies.

Anyway, here's how the first panel would look as a single image. It's nicer to have these bigger because sometimes it's just nice to have these fill up the entire screen, but it also brings out some of the vector imperfections and I'm too lazy to fix all of them.

So anyway, thoughts would be appreciated since the last thing I want is to throw this out there and it becomes a headache for everyone else.

Oh, and here's what I have as the cover so far. I'm currently not digging Barkin's smile and looking up screencaps isn't helping much since that's what his smile actually looks like. Maybe removing the individual teeth lines? It's not like everyone else is completely on model anyway because boobah.

The final version will be much larger. I also want to do something of a "afterword" page explaining why I made a full bloody comic that's more or less focused on what this is really all about: Providing a somewhat believable way for Yori to finally have sex with Ron without ruining his relationship with Kim and keeping with the canon. In the same page, there's some bonus images showing what happens afterwards, and wanted to make it all non-explicit:

  • Bonnie is shopping while Junior and Hirotaka carry their bags.
  • Drakken's sleeping in Shego's lap at the karaoke bar while Barkin is just glad he gets to hold Shego.
  • Kim, Ron, Yori, Rufus and Hana are all wearing kimonos at a festival watching fireworks. Naturally, Hana's not an infant anymore.
  • And whatever this is:

A lot of art is still far from complete, though. When there's enough momentum and finished pages, I'll open up a new gallery page. Until then, stay groovy, fellow chaps.


  1. I would say "both", but I have no problem with 6-panel page - both with text and pics. So, I would choose 6-panel (comic is a comic, after all, especially with plot), but "both" is a most preferable option. If it's not very hard to made, of course.
    And sure, have fun and luck, Deathpulse, I can't wait to see a result. Cumming Yori is coming! (I'm sorry).

  2. if you want my personal opinion.. I apporve of all these three ways (plus a little Monique and Wade action wouldn't hurt (especially if we throw Kim's cousin Joss into the picutre (Oreo Cookie threesome for the win..)

  3. Both is preferable. As a lorefan i like reading stuff and other people might too.

    Love your stuff, D! Keep it up

  4. I have always preferred single- or duel-frame pages. The artwork is large, allowing the viewer to see more detail. If you are going to be using a LOT of test, that is the way to go.

    Comic strips get away with using 8 or 10 frames because so little is said per frame. Comic books and manga handle larger amounts of text by treating all frames within the panel as part of a single image: the text and dialog may jump back and forth between the images, allowing the spacing between frames to be used as well.

    1. That's a good point. I'll definitely have to be mindful of that going down the line.

  5. Replies
    1. First page with Bonnie is done, second page with Shego taking longer than expected since I wasn't liking how some panels were turning out, redoing the cum shot art because it felt pretty weak. Still gotta fix something on the cover. Other RL stuff going on.

    2. Glad to hear that it's OK) Good luck.
