The main page was a bit on the long side, so I condensed it and put the rest here.
So why did I end up doing this? Even I never
thought I'd do stuff like this. But I used to watch a lot of cartoons
back in my college years and was fascinated by all kinds of animation,
and these were shows that didn't really cater to a specific demographic.
Anime, stuff on Nick, almost everything on Cartoon Network, and even
Disney before the live-action tween sitcoms came and ruined everything.
It was a great time to be into animation, traditional animation for that
But for all of that, my addiction was Kim
Possible. Loved the art direction, loved how it played with action and
spy tropes, and the characters were great. Ron and Shego were reason
alone to watch. And back then I never thought I'd be looking up certain
pictures of cartoon characters on the internet. But then the episode
"Emotion Sickness" made me look at it all in a different light, which
depicted Kim in a hot sexy dress, and it was the first time since
Jessica Rabbit that I thought a cartoon character could be sultry. Damn.
And next thing I know, my warped curiosity got the better of me, I
found myself reading lemons and looking at pictures, but I was yearning
to find something that no one was putting out there. I loved that Kim
and Ron got together, but what if the two went further and had some
romantic raunchy romping? And let's toss in some Bonnie and Shego too
for good measure.
And at the time, back in '06 and '07,
a lot of adult-oriented KP pictures had laughably terrible art, and
painfully robotic personalities (most of it was smut comics from
paysites with no familiarity of the show itself). Having a background in
art, but not having practiced it in a long time, I wanted to put
something out there that was better. Sure, the execution leaves a bit to
be desired, and I really wasn't willing to indulge in what others
wanted out of me (slash, fetishes), but the way I saw it, I was making
it for myself and put it out there if others were looking for something
similar. Other curious K/R shippers, primarily. And really, it was a way
to get it out of my system. I'm really not all about depicting cartoon
characters this way or advocating it, and I don't see the point in
putting up a DA account just to challenge some system as well as people
who might feel uncomfortable looking at this stuff. But I
consider KP an exception, and the show really didn't help at times. A
couple of panty shots, Kim stripping in front of Ron (even if she was wearing something underneath), a mud-wrestling
match between her and Shego? And that attention to detail on her legs at
times. It shouldn't be surprising there's a lot of Rule34 of it.
since 2007, I had posted my works primarily on the WWOEC forums, and
with mostly good feedback. Sure, my anatomy sucked at times, and some
complained about how tame it was, and I wasn't the most popular guy out
there (and I'm not blameless in that), but unfortunately, WWOEC hit some
problems and ended up closing and shutting down in February 2016. And
while I posted some of my work elsewhere, those places ended up
disappearing or I drifted away. I actually tried linking to outside
galleries to cut on the bandwidth, but a lot of times various images
would disappear and go 404, and couldn't find that right gallery website
to put everything on.
But with WWOEC gone, and seeing
how a lot of artists have a blog or tumblr, I figure I'd go with the
lesser of two evils and try a blog instead. Tumblr's too vicious for me.
I'm not a social justice type of person, I'm really not about the same
causes they are, and I'm not out to tell people how to think or perceive
things, and I can live with disagreements. So you won't find that stuff
here either. Instead, this will serve as an archive of my stuff
throughout the years, which include digital art pieces and short
animations made in Flash. I can't believe some of this nearly dates ten
So if you've stumbled upon this and know what
you're getting into, the menu's right there and you're free to navigate.
As I mentioned elsewhere, it's mostly Kim/Ron pieces and a lot of Bonnie as
well, with a dab of Shego. I'm not into Kigo, and while I thought it
was a fun idea when the show was on the air (not taking it seriously),
the more militant (if not flat-out delusional) shippers just utterly destroyed my
interest in it, if not nearly the show and the fandom, as well as
slash-shipping even for shits and giggles. So I'm a bit spiteful on that
end and make it a point to put Ron with Kim so those people can't twist
and distort the meaning of a picture into something to their liking and
delude and convince themselves into thinking it's something it's not.
You might have an idea of the types I'm talking about, where reality
doesn't seem to exist in more ways than one, and I refuse to do anything
that would appease them. Like a person on YouTube who complained the
ending to "So The Drama" crushed her hopes of seeing Kim and
Shego get together, in spite of the fact that the former almost actually
killed the latter minutes before, after saying she hated her. Yeah,
those types can cry and whine and I'd gladly grow addicted to feeding
off of their fake forced tears. People think they deserve something and
really don't.
Anyway, I'm also not into gorn, futa,
BDSM, incest, rape, loli, defecation, or similar fetishes, so you won't find that stuff here either.
If the characters are in leather, it's because it looks hot, and that's
really it. I've gotten a lot of requests over the years with people
hoping to change my mind, all but one I've turned down in spite of a
no-request policy. I only do KP, though, so I don't do other characters
from different series either. I don't want to sound mean (with the
exception in the above paragraph), but I want to make that clear from
the get go. Not satisfied? Looking for something different? There's
plenty of others on the internet already doing it, and I'm not someone
else's pen. I didn't ask people to make the stuff I wanted; I made it
myself! So there.
Otherwise, enjoy.