October 9, 2021

Road to Threesome Q&A

So when I first announced the Road to Threesome comic/story/whatever you want to call it, even after I posted a summary of how everything was going to unfold, quite a few people were giving themselves the impression that it would go in a completely different direction, or hope it would.

I'm not sure why I feel compelled to do this, but maybe I don't want people getting excited for something I never said was going to happen and end up setting themselves up for disappointment. I can already see the ratings on certain websites go down because I didn't give the internet masses what they want.

So here's a brief Q&A based on some of the comments I received. Added a few that I imagine some people would ask or think about.

Will there be any girl on girl scenes between Kim and Yori? Even a kiss?


One, I think it'd be completely contrived if Kim decided she wanted to get sexual with another girl she still doesn't have much of a relationship with. It's already established that Kim wants to invite someone to take turns pleasuring Ron, and because it's the first time getting someone else involved, Kim still has a lot of boundaries she doesn't want pushed. In the story, Kim justifies this by saying since she didn't see Junior and Hirotaka go down on each other, same with Barkin and Drakken, she shouldn't feel obligated to do anything with Yori. I'm still not convinced she's into girls, and I don't see Yori being attracted to Kim that much, either.

Two, Kim being into girls is, to me, such a boring cliche at this point, and if I went that way it'd be nothing more than blatant soulless pandering. I think it'd be nice to make something that doesn't go into that direction for once. I really don't care about giving audiences exactly what they want solely for the sake of clicks and views. If you don't like it, look at the hundreds of other things that have it.

Will we see any scenes involving Kim and any other girls like Bonnie or Shego, even if it's just a dream, thought bubble or fantasy?

No. Their role is minimal but planted the seeds for Kim wanting someone else to join in on the fun. Even though I could see Bonnie inviting herself and pushing Kim aside or Miss Go teaching Kim some techniques to use on her man, that's not the focus of the story.

Great, now I'm almost tempted to make an epilogue chapter where Ron asks Kim who else she would've considered for a threesome before Yori and we see the above scenarios. Don't hold me to that.

Do fans of K/R or R/Y have anything to worry about? Like breakups or anything?

No. I'm not pulling an NTR or doing anything that would "shock" the audience or "subvert expectations". Happy endings for everyone, good vibes and all that. Which will also bring down the ratings on certain websites.

Okay, there is a brief death scene that quickly becomes undone. If you read the summary I posted a long time ago, you'll know which one it is.

How many total pages are you planning?

It originally started at 12 but I'm looking at maybe 16-18. I've got most of the pages fully sketched out. There's just the matter of jumping from one point to another too quickly. This is called "Road" to threesome after all.

How many of those are dedicated to the threesome?

Five or six so far.

We're going to see Yori actually have sex with Ron, right? And Kim's going to be okay with it?

Yep and yep.

And it's not going to be a dream or fantasy or anything like that, right?


What page do you think we'll see Yori finally get it on with Ron?

Page 10.

Any plans to turn a threesome into a foursome or more after this?

Not really.

Are there any major changes from that summary you posted a while back?

I mentioned that Yori gives Ron a titjob twice, it'll be just once now. The first removed the impact of the second, and you might guess which one that is.

EDIT: I actually didn't mention this part before - I added another page where a second titfuck happened and decided to cancel the first and move it here. Oops.


  1. Okay, first, I totally support your decision. It's your comic and only you decide what it should be. Second, I'm not "internet mass" and not searching for lesbian Kim, Kim and Ron together are totally perfect.
    Whole point of threesome actually happening is "spicing things" and it's done mostly for Ron's pleasure. And Ron is dreaming about things, in both meanings. So when all three of them will be naked, horny and wanting to have fun, he'll totally think about something. Especially if he sure that threesome with two girls = those girls do some yuri things. And when Kim got his thoughts (she will, she can do anything), will it be that illogical for her to "ah, it's a special night anyway, let's try" in their situation? It shouldn't be something like scissors pose while Ron watching, but hugging, groping, fingering, lying on each other, pressing boobs for double titfuck...
    Again, it's your comic and I already love it as much as other your works. And want you to draw what you like, not what I, and definitely don't want for comic changing and redrawing. And I will never drop any ratings. I just... don't think that yuri stuff between Kim and Yori during threesome with Ron and in conditions of that threesome is something totally out of characters/place/possibility.
    Anyway, keep doing your work, it's great. And thank you very much.

    1. I can see that. I just think since Kim's kind of testing the waters with this sort of thing, it's too soon and wouldn't be happening the first time around, and Yori would take her boundaries into heavy consideration.

    2. Totally agree with this. Well... it's their first threesome, but who knows, will it be their last?

  2. Google keep deleting my comment, I don't know how to fix it( I had to screen it, hope link will pass: https://ibb.co/42KBdFV

    1. It kept marking it as spam for some reason, and I've since "un-spammed" it.

  3. I love how seriously you appear to be taking this comic, as if it is to be your magnum opus! ... wait, this isn't going to be your last work, is it?

    ... never mind ...

    Anyway, I think that I have said this before, but I love that your stories could still fit as cannon if Kim Possible was rated Mature. Anyone can write cliche, smutty fan fiction or draw crappy art that would appeal to no one. There is lots of that online already (nothing necessarily wrong with it... we who love it always want more), but it takes a different level of effort to do both well and feel plausible--if only slightly--to people who know the show well. I like the direction where this story is headed and look forward to the next page.

    I am a good writer *hurts arm patting self on the back* but a terrible artist, so I would never be able to share all of the psudo-cannon work that I see in my mind. I'm happy to see an artist who continues to draw quality work of one of my all-time favorite characters the way that I feel she is supposed to be drawn.

    1. Well, I don't plan on this being my last work, but if I had some major change in my life where I couldn't do this anymore (dream career becomes reality, find a waifu), at least I'd go out with a bang. But I'm pretty certain it'll be the last -big- thing I do.

      As far as creativity goes, such as the whole writer vs. artist thing, I think we've all got strengths and weaknesses, whether we're good at one craft and bad at another, or have both regarding a particular skill set. I still think I've got my strengths and weaknesses in both art (anatomy and consistency) and writing (big ol text boxes), and trying to get better regarding larger non-KP projects, but I'm just trying to play up to what I consider my strengths and doing what I can.

      Appreciate the kind words. Hopefully it ends up being a real quality piece by the end.

  4. I reread a past synopsis and foung Yori titfucking Ron in the shower after first sex, but nowhere more. I miss something?

    1. Originally I had her do it twice, first time in the bath and later in the same night, but now it's only going to be once and not in the bath. I haven't looked back at it but that might be on me.

  5. So, Ron wouldn't cum inside Yori and we 'll see a lot of bukkake?

    1. Not sure I'd call it bukkake, and if it ends up looking like it, it's not intentional. I was thinking more of facials and swallowing.

  6. Will there be some "bonus scenes", like that cancelled titfuck?
