May 23, 2023

Update 05/23/2023

Another update that took much longer than expected, but Page 12 has been added to the Road to Threesome gallery. Both girls get to work on Ron at the same time and he gets to work on them both at the same time.

I'm not exactly pleased that these last few updates have taken so long, and in the meantime I'm getting the urge to do other pictures which aren't turning out as good as I want. Again. But I'm also working on some of the later pages and realizing the current scenes pretty much end as soon as they start, so I made some changes to remedy this, adding a couple of pages to the overall story as a result. I hope it's worth it, and I hope I can crank them out sooner. Even with the added pages, we're over halfway there.

Also, my apologies for not responding to comments and marking some of them off as "not spam". I used to check it every day, but I've found myself looking at it a lot less just to give myself space to work on the actual pieces when I can. I think by checking it I was also pressuring myself to work on things and that's not the best way to go.


  1. This is what threesome to me - three people and love.
    Also, I think it will be okay to do as you wish first, and then without pressure "here are some bonus threesome scenes" or so on. Anyway, thanks for you work, and titfuck action is coming! (sorry for pun)

  2. I always get a joy when I see you're updates to the blog. It's a nice surprise. You can do as you want, no pressure. It's all great, regardless

    1. Thanks. Glad to see you're still enjoying it after all this time. Airwind, too.
