December 13, 2023

Update 12/13/2023

Page 15 has been added to the Road to Threesome gallery. The night ends with Kim wondering if she made a mistake letting Ron have sex with Yori, but none of them can resist having some morning sex.

Not sure if this will be the last update for the year, but if it is, I want to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season, and that everything's better for all of us in the coming year.


  1. I suspect there will be at least a shot of Ron/Yori having sex without Kim? Totally for it)
    Thank you again. That Yori pic is beautiful.

    1. Yep, got one planned later on. Not the next page but the one after I think. Glad I got the Yori pic the way I wanted.

  2. P.S. And wish you happy holidays too) (sorry, my mind was blank to add it in first comment)

  3. Wish you a Happy New Year. Hope you will have good holidays, deserved rest and quiet life.
