I've got quite a few references to go by, it's just the execution isn't coming out well for a lot of it. I'll look at something days later and something looks really off, and I found myself constantly redrawing one panel about seven or eight times. Just gotta keep trying, I guess.
I'm possibly saying a really stupid thing, but are you using some random references or KP one? Like, some pose and expressions from a show itself, or maybe even other artists. DarkDP, Destkim, Col.Kink draw some Kim, Ron and Yori stuff, it can be useful for you in any way, even if not thematically appreciated.
Mostly real life references for the poses, and KP ones every now and then. Certain angles just don't translate very easily into the KP style especially at an angle, and sometimes it'll look decent enough but looks lacking.
Try a site called "Vintage Erotica Forums, they have plenty of pictures of Threesomes (as well as the regular stuff (the good stuff you might say). Might help a bit.
Heh, I actually used to visit Vintage Erotica years ago but haven't been there for a while. It's just I already have a general idea in mind but sometimes I'll look at a reference if something is off, and I'm looking for something very, very specific. And then it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Is it the writing you are stuck on, or plotting the narrative? Or is it the actual drawing the pics? I ask because sometimes talking about the problem can lead to resolving it
Oh, the drawing hands down. Facial expressions look flat or off, anatomy and perspective is off, and thinking I'm done with something only to look at it later and not being satisfied with it. I can look at references but it's hard to match or it doesn't translate well with the KP style. I mean, I've had to redraw some panels before, but not to this extent. I had Yori in a certain pose for the first panel of the next page, but looking at it again, everything about it looked really plain. I redrew it and even though the changes might not seem significant, it's a huge improvement.
As for the plot and writing, it's already laid out for the most part, and most of the panels already have rough sketches done for them. But sometimes things just don't turn out the way you think they would and gotta give another crack at it.
Personally if you are a story writer, (Like myself), a lot of the issue is trying the best way to convey the story in a reasonable manner without boring the reader. As for Artists it's the poses that sometimes bamboozles them. But like knowall7 said, it's better to get with folks to talk it out rather than just going it alone.. Might I suggest starting a discord Server? Seems I get a lot of information done when I am talking to folks, (Except when someone tries to over talk me, then it's hard). But I think a discord server might be the best idea to come out of this.. After all you won't know till you try.
Big no on Discord. Not because I want to close myself off to feedback, but I've had my share of people over the years ask how to contact me in private, whether it's e-mail, Discord, or if I have accounts on other websites or social media, but specifically for one-on-one interactions, and I'm really not comfortable with that. So I'd rather not open any floodgates or any cans of worms if it ends up drawing in those types as well.
Maybe I can help you with something? Can search for threesome references or else, don't know what can do.
ReplyDeleteI've got quite a few references to go by, it's just the execution isn't coming out well for a lot of it. I'll look at something days later and something looks really off, and I found myself constantly redrawing one panel about seven or eight times. Just gotta keep trying, I guess.
DeleteI'm possibly saying a really stupid thing, but are you using some random references or KP one? Like, some pose and expressions from a show itself, or maybe even other artists. DarkDP, Destkim, Col.Kink draw some Kim, Ron and Yori stuff, it can be useful for you in any way, even if not thematically appreciated.
DeleteMostly real life references for the poses, and KP ones every now and then. Certain angles just don't translate very easily into the KP style especially at an angle, and sometimes it'll look decent enough but looks lacking.
DeleteTry a site called "Vintage Erotica Forums, they have plenty of pictures of Threesomes (as well as the regular stuff (the good stuff you might say). Might help a bit.
DeleteHeh, I actually used to visit Vintage Erotica years ago but haven't been there for a while. It's just I already have a general idea in mind but sometimes I'll look at a reference if something is off, and I'm looking for something very, very specific. And then it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.
DeleteIs it the writing you are stuck on, or plotting the narrative? Or is it the actual drawing the pics? I ask because sometimes talking about the problem can lead to resolving it
ReplyDeleteOh, the drawing hands down. Facial expressions look flat or off, anatomy and perspective is off, and thinking I'm done with something only to look at it later and not being satisfied with it. I can look at references but it's hard to match or it doesn't translate well with the KP style. I mean, I've had to redraw some panels before, but not to this extent. I had Yori in a certain pose for the first panel of the next page, but looking at it again, everything about it looked really plain. I redrew it and even though the changes might not seem significant, it's a huge improvement.
DeleteAs for the plot and writing, it's already laid out for the most part, and most of the panels already have rough sketches done for them. But sometimes things just don't turn out the way you think they would and gotta give another crack at it.
Personally if you are a story writer, (Like myself), a lot of the issue is trying the best way to convey the story in a reasonable manner without boring the reader. As for Artists it's the poses that sometimes bamboozles them. But like knowall7 said, it's better to get with folks to talk it out rather than just going it alone.. Might I suggest starting a discord Server? Seems I get a lot of information done when I am talking to folks, (Except when someone tries to over talk me, then it's hard). But I think a discord server might be the best idea to come out of this.. After all you won't know till you try.
DeleteMaybe a Discord Server perhaps? Lots of artists/Gamers/writers use them nowadays.
DeleteBig no on Discord. Not because I want to close myself off to feedback, but I've had my share of people over the years ask how to contact me in private, whether it's e-mail, Discord, or if I have accounts on other websites or social media, but specifically for one-on-one interactions, and I'm really not comfortable with that. So I'd rather not open any floodgates or any cans of worms if it ends up drawing in those types as well.
DeleteBTW, congratulates with 300k watchers.