April 11, 2024

Status Update

So I've been away from my main computer and didn't check the blog at all, so my apologies for not looking at the comments and keeping everyone updated.

I'm still alive and kicking, definitely having some mental and physical fatigue, and probably because of that, having a hard time getting through this next page even though the basic sketches have been done for a while. I've also been dedicating more time to outside projects that always should've been a higher priority than this. 

So unfortunately at this rate, I'm not sure when the next update will be. But don't think I'm throwing in the towel just yet.


  1. This sucks. I'm kinda in the same situation now, and I know how bad it is. All I can say: if you got that far, you totally can do the last three pages, I think? And, maybe, you should just do it every day by a little, at time when you are more free to do it. But when you're done - get a massive deserved rest. You do great work anyway.

  2. Take your time man, you ultimately decide the pace of this project yourself, but hopefully you do find the desire to see it through
